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Revealed: The top 10 most expensive zip codes in America

The top 10 most expensive zip codes have been revealed, with median home prices in the Bay Area and the Hamptons hitting more than $8million. Though general median sale prices of homes declined in 2023, some of the country's most premier zip codes have climbed to the top, according to an annual ranking by Property Shark.

The Bay Area town of Atherton, and Southampton village of Sagaponack took the first two spots on the ranking list. Atherton has hailed at the top spot with a median home sale price of $8.3million as and two of the ten cities tied at $4.5million in sixth place. An additional six Californian cities were added to the list, along with one from Washington, Florida , and a second from New York.u00a0The most expensive zip code in 2023 was Atherton, a city in the county of San Mateo, just about 25 miles from San Francisco. Atherton has a population of 6,499 and 73 percent are white, while a little over 18 percent are Asian. According to the Census Bureau, Atherton is well above the highest median household income of $250,000 and has reported a poverty rate of just three percent. Atherton is filled with single-family homes that have had to follow the one-acre minimum lot requirement that was implemented back in the 1920s.

The Bay Area town of Atherton, and Southampton village of Sagaponack took the first two spots on the ranking list. Atherton has hailed at the top spot with a median home sale price of $8.3million as and two of the ten cities tied at $4.