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Pri Piantadosi-Lima Named First Head Coach of USF Beach Volleyball

TAMPA, JUNE 6, 2023 – University of South Florida Vice President of Athletics Michael Kelly has named Pri Piantadosi-Lima (PREE pea-ANT-ah-DOE-zee LEE-mah) as the first head coach of the Bulls' beach volleyball program.

A former standout professional beach volleyball player and founder of Optimum Beach, a St. Petersburg-based club program, Piantadosi-Lima was named the 2022 USAV Female Junior Coach of the Year during her work as the head coach of the USAV Beach National Team Development Program (2019-present) and also saw Optimum Beach earn 2022 USAV Beach Club of the Year honors.

Pri Piantadosi-Lima (Posed.23)

"We are thrilled that Pri will lead our beach volleyball program and oversee the launch of what we expect to be a very competitive and successful new sport at USF," Kelly said.