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Ten Seasons of Spurrier: Top Ten "Spurrierisms"

South Carolina Gamecocks head coach Steve Spurrier's garnered the love of his tribe and the hatred of his foes through one simple human act. Always amusing, sometimes antagonizing, typically sarcastic. Whether it's after a heartbreaking loss, a questionable win, or a lackluster half, he'll never disappoint and he'll always speak his mind. Put a microphone to his face, ask him a question, and you're aren't really sure what'll come next. Here they are. The ten best "Spurrierisms" to ever grace our auditory lobes.

10. "And so forth"

As recently noted in an updated and more accurate recollection of The Alamo during last summer's Media Days:

"I always thought Crockett and those 33 Tennessee guys was the hero.