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World Cup 2022: What to do, see and eat in Qatar

Related Topics: Qatar, Fatma Al-Nuaimi

DOHA, Qatar —

It was 115 degrees on the summer day I arrived in Qatar. That answered my first question: Why had FIFA, among the most hidebound and conservative of international sports bodies, agreed to buck nearly a century of tradition by playing the World Cup in the winter?

The second question was a bit more complicated: Why had Qatar, a tiny, conservative, Islamic emirate in the Persian Gulf worked so hard and spent so much to play host to the tournament?

FIFA World Cup posters covering West Bay skyscrapers in Doha, Qatar.
Images of Neymar, Andre Ayew and Dušan Tadiu0107 on 2022 FIFA World Cup posters covering West Bay skyscrapers in Doha, Qatar.