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Take Me Out to the Ball Game: How London's MLB Series Showed the Benefits of Hosting Games Abroad

To say that hosting competitive league games abroad is a contentious point of discussion across European football right now is to escalate the meaning of 'contentious' to 'utterly toxic'.

Which is why, obviously, I should argue for its merits. That's always fun and has no chance of descending into a Twitter beef. Not one single chance. And look, I get it. Football, and this is across the continent, has already done more than enough to remove the game from its various roots.

From pricing 'true' fans out, to scheduling irregular kick-off times to accommodate an ever-insatiable TV schedule, to shamelessly attempting to 'go viral' at any given moment with a 'cool tweet', football clubs are undeniably the worst, and the systems that house them aren't much better.