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Naomi Osaka Buys Ownership Stake in NWSL's North Carolina Courage

Tennis star Naomi Osaka announced Thursday that she purchased an ownership stake in the National Women's Soccer League's North Carolina Courage.

NaomiOsakau5927u5742u306au304au307f @naomiosaka

The women who have invested in me growing up made me who I am today, I don’t know where I would be without them. Throughout my career I’ve always received so much love from my fellow female athletes so that’s why I am proud to share that I am now a owner of @TheNCCourage u26bdufe0fu2764ufe0f

Courage chairman and founder Stephen Malik said the following regarding Osaka's involvement, according to Reuters (h/t ESPN): "I am thrilled to welcome Naomi as an owner of the North Carolina Courage.