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Shaun Alexander: Nature or nurture?

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Since the beginning of time*, Seattle Seahawks fans have crossed spears over how much of Shaun Alexander’s immense success was due to his talent, and how much was due to the talent surrounding him.


Today we answer that question once and for all, with finality and closure** for everyone. So say we all.


See? You already feel better, liberated at the prospect of being enlightened/having your confirmation bias confirmed. Now take this newfound inner peace and spread it like wildfire among your immediate circle, so it can encompass this great land, and cover it like a benevolent virus, until finally the entire planet is engulfed in practical knowledge and profound understanding, leading at last to the culmination of human society, the moment when our coded petty, greedy, tribal reflexes are permanently overwritten with compassion, empathy, and something resembling a living, breathing golden rule.