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Casual Friday: What’s on your playlist?

It’s another Casual Friday open thread, where we talk about things that aren’t focused on the Seattle Seahawks!

I’m a big music fan and not a day goes by that I don’t have music playing for an extended period of time. Good music is good music to me no matter what genre, so while I obviously have clear preferences for certain genres and eras over others, my playlist is a bit of a potpourri of songs. Here’s a random sampling of what I’ve got in my collection:

Break The Man - Tears For Fears

Virtual Insanity - Jamiroquai

The Voice - The Moody Blues

On The Turning Away - Pink Floyd

Tennessee - Arrested Development (not the TV show)

Diary - Alicia Keys

It’s A Love Thing - The Whispers

You Send Me - Sam Cooke

Not The Only One - Bonnie Raitt

Take A Bow - Rihanna

Get The Funk Out - Extreme

Shooting Star - Bad Company

Possession Obsession - Hall and Oates

Sacrifice - Elton John

Temptation Eyes - The Grass Roots
