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Cassius Marsh ‘thankful for how good we have it here’ after returning to Seahawks

RENTON — It’s not just what you hear in the words of his coaches that gives a sense that the Cassius Marsh playing for the Seahawks now is different than the Cassius Marsh who played for the Seahawks from 2014-2017, but what you read on the back of his jersey.

There, it says “Marsh Sr.’’

That’s a nod to his son, Cassius Jason Lee Marsh Jr., born just a few days before Marsh re-signed with the Seahawks in April.

Marsh’s son and fiancée, Devyn Adair — a model and singer from Puyallup — have been regular presences at Seahawks training camp, Marsh able to spend a few minutes with them after morning practices before heading back into more meetings and film reviews.