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13 clips that show just how bad the Seahawks offensive line is

Related Topics: lineman

Since it seems to be the only thing most Seahawks fans want to talk about, I figured I might as well indulge you: The Seattle offensive line is terrible and it’s probably not going to get considerably better. The good news (yes, I have some, I usually always try to bring some good news to the dinner table to complement the bad news (which is MOM’S COOKING, AMIRIGHT? REMEMBER THAT TROPE?)) is that if there’s one unit in football that tends to get better during a season, it’s the offensive line.

It can come through chemistry and continuity and gelling as a unit; these are five guys who just started playing with each other in these positions and who the guy to your left is and who the guy to your right is is sometimes just as important as who you are.