Seattle Mariners logos help set the scene in the Seattle Terrace dining and shopping area of the Flight of Dreams complex in Japan. 636747024810893983-20-Seattle-Mariners-logos-help-set-the-scene-in-Seattle-Terrace-dining-and-shoppoig-area-of-the-Flight-of-Dreams-complex-in-Japan.-Photo-Harriet-Baskas.JPG
It’s so close, and yet still so far away. Normally, MLB the Show comes out before the MLB season starts. That wasn’t the case this year, as a combination of COVID and cross-play has pushed the release date back to April 20th, or April 16th if you purchased an enhanced version, like the awesome Jackie Robinson edition. It’s only 10-14 days away now, so let’s take a look at some of the Seattle Mariners rankings in the game.