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Midshipman’s Log, 4/11/22: Modesto stymied by Giants pitching, Everett hangs strong against stacked team, Arkansas faces Jack Leiter

Welcome back for another year of Lookout Landing’s minor league recap service, The Midshipman’s Log. Or welcome, period, if this is the first time you’ve stopped in. These recaps will publish every Monday on the MiLB off-days for all levels except Triple-A, which will be covered on Thursdays, where we’ll also highlight top prospect performances and some sleepers who might not be getting enough love in the system.

This week we have only a short slate of games to talk about, as Opening Day for all the minor leagues below Triple-A was this Friday, but let’s look at what happened over the weekend:

Modesto Nuts (1-2) crushed by Giants pitching (2-1)
