Business-hustler types like to say there’s no thing as luck, only hashtag-the-grind, if you’re sleeping more than five hours a night you’re slacking, if you have fewer than five side hustles you’re slacking, buy these ketones to be energized and #crushyourMonday! But most of us know that success comes from hard work, yes, but also a good dose of luck: finding the right job at the right time, working under a boss who’s able to see your talents and help you grow, developing a skill that becomes in-demand in the industry. Baseball is a lot of skill, but also a lot of luck, and today the Mariners were on the wrong side of the luck dragons for a good portion of the game, which no amount of ketones or compression socks can salvage.
Mariners visit dark web late at night, discover recipe to make own luck, defeat A’s 2-1