Please, sir. My bullpen. It is so tired. The Mariners have gone to extras in three of the last four games, which isn’t ideal considering that they are still at the beginning of 13 games in a row without an off day. Hell, even George Kirby spinning nine innings could stem the tide, but the last two games have been particularly rough: Logan had a clunker and got pulled in the fifth while Emerson Hancock, still new to MLB, didn’t get into the sixth either. All told, we’re looking at the following pitch counts for the most important arms over the past three days, with multiple guys doing up-downs in their appearances:
- Munoz 58
- Topa 50 (all three games)
- Brash 40
- Saucedo 28
This is one of the underappreciated downsides to losing one of your top relievers.