If you have a Spotify account and ears, they have probably both been assaulted lately by the Sabrina Carpenter song “Espresso.” It’s so prevalent there are whole conspiracy theories about the label paying for play, as well as entire linguistic treatises dedicated to parsing whether “me” in espresso is functioning as an adjective (the Me brand esperesso) or if there’s an implied comma (it’s me, hi, I’m espresso it’s me). (Good luck getting that space in your brain back.) I personally find the song a little grating—specifically the tortured-to-Geneva-Convention-violations wordplay—but like many other commenters I am prepared to welcome our Song of the Summer overlord as a sign of the times and harbinger of warmer days ahead, the incessant insistence on its own ubiquity that is equal parts intoxicating and annoying.
Mariners fail to get that Me Espresso, go to sleep against Yankees, lose 3-7