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Lookout Landing Podcast 127: Amanda Lane Cumming on her “War, Pandemic, and Seattle baseball in 1918” series

0:00-14:15: Amanda Lane Cumming is here to discuss her spectacular “War, Pandemic, and Seattle Baseball in 1918” three-part series. But first, we introduce Amanda and the things that make her baseball heart sing. Listen closely to this part for some juicy cocktail gossip.

14:20-29:20: What inspired Amanda to research a 100-year-old pandemic and the way that affected baseball? This is the part where you learn a library’s worth of information about shipyard baseball teams. As one of America’s shipyard hubs, Seattle was heavily involved in World War I baseball as a morale-building activity. Kate and Amanda also have a thoughtful discussion about history and the things we learn, or don’t learn, from it.