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Former Mariners coach Andy Van Slyke has some critical things to say about Robinson Cano, Edgar Martinez

“When one burns one’s bridges, what a very nice fire it makes.” — Dylan Thomas

This an unenjoyable aspect about the job sometimes. Dealing with people lashing out for whatever reason and saying on the record things that stir emotions and drive debate while also laying blame and accusations. It’s not clickbaitish, but it isn’t quite news either. It’s in that gray area where people want to hear about it, but don’t necessarily like that they do.

So there was a radio interview for an AM station in St. Louis from a casino late last night. And it featured former Mariners coach Andy Van Slyke, who was in charge of outfielders and also served as an assistant hitting coach for part of the season until Howard Johnson was fired and Edgar Martinez was brought in to replace him.