Hello, folks! This is Eric, your faithful FanPost Friday prompt guru and curator. The practice of FanPost Fridays is a somewhat common one throughout the SBNation network. When Kate asked me if I wanted to take on Lookout Landing’s effort in launching the series, I was excited to give it a shot even though I was unsure of how the LL community would respond. Our longtime base of readers, lurkers, and very active commenters is widely regarded throughout the network (and among ourselves) as smart, analytical, highly-engaged, self-policing, and generally as one of the better commenting communities on the whole dang internet (Shoutout to Sweezo for keeping the masses in line as our main benevolent mod, but also a general pat on the back to all the reguLLars for keeping up the standards that the community was built upon long ago).
Best of FanPost Friday 2018