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Anderson Herald from Anderson, Indiana (2024)

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Anderson Heraldi
Anderson, Indiana
Issue Date:
Saturday, August 15, 1896

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See Also

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, KentuckyAnderson Weekly Herald from Anderson, IndianaThe Fort Wayne News from Fort Wayne, Indiana

Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IUTCBO AT AfGTO 'I Now Is The ON Shirtwaists The things name them THE 4 Big Disceunf on all Duck Suits and Wrappers Do ion Know TORE UP THE HOUSE Leib Block DENTISTS COLLEGE NOTES Hazetwootf LujiiSbi Tail Gold and Silver It is since 1891 whenGov Brown questioned wood County Superintendent Job neon US validity j3 busy arranging tor it 7 myaft '35W 6k northern warmer: variable Wrappers AT The Lion siore 50 and 75c Waists now 29c each 'S KELTNEB DEPjist Rp2BTCorjEleventh and ah a lylClNb bull 7 i 65o 1 VBoi'go' $7 50 Eagle Block S' $100 Wrappers now 75c each $125 "Wrap pers now 89c each AvvvvvvMvwvvvvgwyvv BEST $150 Wrappers how $100 each $200 Wrappers now £1 4' zjJ now 75c each 75c Wrappers now 59c each That we belong to no combination upholding of prices' on Lumber and all kinds of building material Please call and beT convinced when want ing anythin gr in our line In America I AT THE COLUMBIA Shoe Store SPECIAL 7 or Saturday Aug 15 Prices for This One Day Gold illing 75c upward SlIlTJ tilling 5oc upward 1 Prices oh work to suit the times IT COSTSNO MORE To have your dental work done pain ioeBJj'1 use Latest Gas given for extracting THE LAST SniOkB LOlHOttMB mSiii ifrim iWimm The greatest Cigar of the 1 9th Century On sale at the following well known dealers: Cassell Bros Anderson Drug Co Daniels Hughel John Keener Lowman Mcarland Phillips Rust Rust EAGLE vM CLOTEgNG HOUSE Corner Square I K' White House Bl i i uurr uinjn 5T PROPRIETOR TOP LOOR I S'T 01 01 House presses consisting oi Blouse Waist and Skirt regular price $125 and $175 price' per suit 75 ctS K10t 0t linen ercale Skirts wdrtli $150 price 98 CtS lot of black and white Duck Skirts worth $125 Sale price 63 ctS Labor Day Stand Privileges The committee on atanda and privL leges will receive bids tj control all stands and privileges or for sinhls ones up to and including Satvrday Aug 22 ixo privileges win os granted tor intoxi jiating drinkaTiie right to reject any auu Ail D1U8 kanci Eads Chairman Coin 318 Ohio Ave Maurice Coixins ATDwc Harry Markey 31 i John Collins Worth TI i saA 2 Mrs Glen McGowan West Third street has been ill for Rrtma fiwia Imf had sufficiently improved yesterday to I $150 Wraistc?