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Willie McCovey Memorial 2019 Community Prospect List #26

Related Topics: Drew Ferguson

Diego Rincones ran off to a surprisingly easy victory, beating out fellow OF Drew Ferguson by nearly twice the votes. Despite some exciting footage and scouting report coming out of Instrux on Jairo Pomares, he and Aaron Bond were both far behind in the OF competition, while Pat Ruotolo and Travis Bergen gained support from the bullpen lovers.

That brings the list to:

  1. Joey Bart
  2. Heliot Ramos
  3. Marco Luciano
  4. Shaun Anderson
  5. Alexander Canario
  6. Gregory Santos
  7. Heath Quinn
  8. Juan De Paula
  9. Jalen Miller
  10. Ryan Howard
  11. Camilo Doval
  12. Jacob Gonzalez
  13. Jake Wong
  14. Luis Toribio
  15. Seth Corry
  16. Sandro Fabian
  17. Garrett Williams
  18. Diego Rincones

We’re whittling down the contenders from our big list:

Jairo Pomares

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