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The 2020 Willie McCovey Memorial Community Prospect List #40

Well that was scintillating! Tyler Cyr bombarded Jalen Miller in the runoff and we now hit the 40 mark. The Stretch run bell has rung. Who will we fill out our list with?

Speaking of which — to date:

  1. Joey Bart
  2. Marco Luciano
  3. Heliot Ramos
  4. Hunter Bishop
  5. Alexander Canario
  6. Seth Corry
  7. Luis Toribio
  8. Jairo Pomares
  9. Gregory Santos
  10. Tristan Beck
  11. Kai-Wei Teng
  12. Jake Wong + Logan Wyatt
  13. (see above)
  14. Sandro Fabian
  15. Ricardo Genoves
  16. Trevor McDonald
  17. Blake Rivera
  18. Camilo Doval
  19. Grant McCray
  20. Tyler Rogers
  21. Chris Shaw
  22. Prelander Berroa
  23. Dany Jimenez
  24. Franklin Labour
  25. Garrett Frechette
  26. Tyler Fitzgerald
  27. Matt Frisbee
  28. Rayner Santana
  29. PJ Hilson
  30. Tyler Cyr
  31. Jalen Miller

We have a chance to fill out the final slots with youth — or some strong-armed older pitchers.