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Remaking the infield in Chapman’s image

Pardon my gush, but Matt Chapman is a god among men when it comes to defense.

Imagine Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, not depicting the 16th century doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, but the beliefs of the 2025 San Francisco Giants…at its frescoed center is Chapman’s mitt stretching out from the heavens to touch Adam, the Giants, to create them in his own likeness.

Defense won’t be the guiding principle when constructing their roster for the 2025 season, especially after a disappointing performance by the offense, but it needs to be a consideration. The missed opportunities with runners in scoring position loom large, but so do the missed chances on double plays, the ground balls that snuck through gaps in the infield, the forced throws, the mental blunders, the miscommunications that abound.