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A decade of disappointment

Related Topics: Grant Brisbee, Marco Luciano

For a while now, site creator Grant Brisbee has been doing a bit noting over how many games the Giants have played .500 baseball. Because that’s basically where they’ve been since 2021. It’s been an easy cudgel to use against the supposed brilliance of the current front office group, but if you expand the data set, it implicates the owners, too.

The Giants have played 1,506 games since 2015, the season following that memorable night in Kaufmann Stadium. They have won 753 games in that span and have lost... 753 games.

In the decade since the San Francisco Giants last won the World Series, the team’s ownership group has gotten literally everything it has wanted (revenue, territory, accolades) and yet for the people who only watch the team — not invest in it or have a lease on Mission Rock or have signed an above market rate free agent contract — all of the off-field gains have amounted to exactly nothing on the field.