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We highlight and profile the 2018 NFL draft-eligible prospects for Friday’s Bahamas Bowl and Idaho Potato Bowl.

Related Topics: Bahamas Bowl, Friday

Good morning Faithful! Today we have a bowl game doubleheader. We start off in the Caribbean at the Popeye’s Bahamas Bowl! Personally, if my team wasn’t heading to the College Football Playoff or a New Year’s 6 Bowl, the Bahamas Bowl seems like a great consolation prize! Nothing like playing in the Bahamas as the calendar flips to Winter! Anyhow, onto the game featuring the University of Alabama-Birmingham (UAB) Blazers of Conference USA against the Ohio Bobcats of the MAC Conference.

Offense! If you like high scoring, shootouts this is the game for you. Ohio’s run game is not as appreciated as it should be, and of course, part of this is due to the lack of national attention for the program.