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The hype for 49ers' Sam Darnold reaches new level of silliness

Sam Darnold has been the shiny new thing for the 49ers this summer. But the latest national praise for him is a bit much. contributing columnist Adam Schein published a list of his dark horse MVP candidates for this upcoming season on Wednesday. Sitting at No. 8 was none other than Darnold, a two-team flameout who, need I remind you, is currently competing for a backup role in San Francisco.

“I know we’re hearing a lot of good news around Brock Purdy’s rehab process, and that’s great,” Schein wrote. “But the guy underwent elbow surgery on his throwing arm a few months ago, so until I see it, I have trouble just accepting that everything is hunky-dory and the former seventh-round selection will pick up right where he left off last January.