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Golden Nuggets: 49ers wrap up draft, add to weird ACL study they're doing

Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 edition of the Golden Nuggets, a daily compilation of San Francisco 49ers links from around the Internet.

At some point, the San Francisco 49ers have to get some kind of medical research grant, right? I don't know that I'm fully off board when it comes to the team's continuing insistence on redshirting rookies with serious injuries, but to this point it hasn't yielded anything positive. The team seems less-than enthused about Tank Carradine than the fanbase in general and Marcus Lattimore obviously didn't pan out.

If Brandon Thomas can't seize the starting left guard job this coming season I'll be totally ready to declare the whole thing a failure, and that's not even considering wide receiver DeAndre Smelter, who the 49ers took on Sasturday.