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Fantasy Football: Week 7 Daily Fantasy Football Picks

Related Topics: Fantasy football (American)

Recall that we made a few materials changes to our selection methodology this past week, and they seem to have paid off. To review those changes, see the Week 6 installment.

Here are the defining characteristics of the three lineups submitted to FanDuel:

  1. An algorithmically-selected, value-optimized (ASVO) one
  2. An algorithmically-selected, non-value-optimized (ASNO) one
  3. A purely instinct-based one

Drum roll… here are the Week 6 results:

Wk6 Final
Relative to our earlier showings this season, these are good results.

Each of these squads were good enough to finish in the money in a standard 50/50 league (with an assumed average prize threshold of 110 points).