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Dick Enberg was committed to his craft to the very end

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One thing I’ll always remember about Dick Enberg isn’t something he said but something said about him. Back in the 2016 I was invited to a Social Summit put on by the team, and ended up with the opportunity to take part in a game of “Know Your Broadcaster” — essentially The Newlywed Game — teamed up with Mark “Mud” Grant, facing off against Don Orsillo and fellow Friar fan and friend Angela. One question she and I were given was to identify which coworker our teammates would say prepared most for games. I guessed that Grant would say it was Jesse Agler, since I figured the newest guy on the block would feel like he had to put in more work to keep up with all the legends he worked with, plus he just seems very studious, and I mean that in the best way.