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Kings vs Lakers Preview: The Worst Team in LA vs. The Best Team in Sacramento!

Welcome to game three of the most hyped preseason that the Kings have had since Doug Christie jacked Rick Fox in his chewer! Yeah, no, I’m serious. I know we try to collectively get up for each season of Kings basketball, but doesn’t this one have a little extra shine to it? Maybe as a fanbase we’re in the fifth stage of grief early this season, and just embracing the basketball scenery around us before Doctor Joerger pulls the plug in early April. Anyways, now for some smack talk on Los Angeles worst basketball team for over half a decade now:

The Kings and Lakers head into Las Vegas Sunday for their yearly exhibition match in which seven actually Las Vegas citizens get to come to the game, and everyone else is a Santa Monica resident whose jogging stroller boutique just opened up and who will spend the whole game explaining to their son why Uncle Jaxson actually isn’t as rich or handsome as mom says he is.