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Traina Thoughts: Sports Gambler Uses Big-Time Aggressiveness To Dominate 'Jeopardy!'

1. Jeopardy! is currently being dominated by an absolute savage and it's awesome.

James Holzhauer, a 34-year-old professional sports gambler from Las Vegas, has won more than $556,000 in total so far and is rewriting the show's record book.

Here's how he did last night:

Last night's James Holzhauer bets on Jeopardy:
R1, Q8: from $5800 to $11600 (after starting with five $1000s in a row)
R2, Q15: from $27,000 to $38,381
R2, Q22: from $46,381 to $63,381
FJ: from $66,181 to $106,181. (Could have gone as high as $109K.