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Starbucks called an NFL rookie ‘Sewer’ so yeah, he’s using a pseudonym now

What happens when a very unique name and a Starbucks barista collide? Catastrophe.

Redskins second round pick Su’a Cravens had his name butchered so badly at a D.C. Starbucks recently that he decided, You know what, screw this. I’m never using my first name again.

He ordered a drink, gave the barista his name, and then waited patiently as it was prepared. When it was ready, the barista called out, “Sewer.” Sewer! To make matters worse, they spelled his name “Suwqua” on the cup.

Here’s the scoop, from CSN Mid-Atlantic:

“I go to Starbucks every Sunday and order my white chocolate mocha.