Wayne Gretzky owns countless records throughout hockey history.
The Simpsons owns countless records throughout television history.
There’s going to be a lot of records and trophies converging in one media this December, as the hockey legend, known as “The Great One” is set to appear on an upcoming episode of the series, the longest-running scripted American prime-time series, its 28 season outlasting Gretzky’s 21-year NHL career.
Cross another accomplishment off the list for the Great One: Wayne Gretzky will guest star on The Simpsons Dec. 4th: https://t.co/yHlwCaxIXK pic.twitter.com/3BoMhROnmL
Gretzky, whose episode is set to air on December 4, joins an illustrious list of superstar athletes who have guest starred/voiced on The Simpons, including Tom Brady, Magic Johnson, and the numerous MLB All-Stars of the famous 1992 episode “Homer at the Bat“.