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Simone Biles Explained Exactly What Happened During Her "Petrifying" Vault After Previously Saying She Could "Literally Die" If It Went Wrong

Related Topics: Simone Biles

In the first rotation of the competition on Tuesday, Biles went to do a vault with 2.5 twists but, appearing dazed and disorientated as she flipped in the air, seemed to bail on the skill midway through. Instead, she completed 1.5 twists and nearly fell upon landing. The vault received the lowest score of the rotation — 13.766 — a huge drop from her average score of 16.050 for the same event during the previous Olympics.

Soon after, Biles left the competition floor before it was officially announced that she had withdrawn from the event altogether. She only returned to the arena to cheer on her teammates from the sidelines, who eventually went on to win the silver medal.