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Phil Simms Found Out He’d Been Demoted By Text From His Son

Related Topics: Phil Simms, Chris Simms, CBS

Tony Romo’s courtship by CBS was apparently so super secret that Phil Simms didn’t find out he was being replaced until a deal was already struck, according to Simms’ son, Chris.

Chris Simms told the story on Bleacher Report’s Simms & Lefkoe Podcast podcast today — noting that his father was very disappointed he had to learn he was being replaced in that manner.

“I had to tell my dad first, before CBS or anybody, because I found out from an NFL insider,” Chris Simms said. “I forwarded the text message that I was sent and it basically said, ‘Hey, listen, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Romo’s being offered your dad’s job on CBS, that sucks, I’m sorry.