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Former NBA Player Gilbert Arenas Smashes His Own Car To Get Revenge On His Ex

Related Topics: Gilbert Arenas, Netflix, Instagram, TMZ, Govan

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2. In the Instagram post, Arenas blamed his bizarre behavior on his love of Netflix, among other things.

TMZ will be posting this tomorrow….listen: I DONT CARE…in #March2014 she came to my calabasas house and broke EVERY SINGLE WINDOW so I decided too show her I’ll break my OWN shit before she does…Yes #TMZ both cars are mines and under my name….when someone breaks 34 windows…it’s #DOYOUBRODY but when she toss ur #3 monitor computer in the pool,you’re like HELL MUTHA FYCKN NAW, I don’t remember my #Netflix password it was auto saved,you piece of shyt…#TMZ u take a person #Netflix away,nothing else matters….