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Ben McAdoo wore a ‘Benny with the good hair’ shirt to get back at Chris Christie

Related Topics: Chris Christie, Ben McAdoo

This is a story that involves the head coach of the New York Giants, the governor of New Jersey and Beyoncé.

Chris Christie, the sports radio yakker currently moonlighting as governor of the nation’s 11th-largest state, co-hosted “Boomer & Carton” on New York’s WFAN on Tuesday, filling in for Boomer Esiason. Christie, a Cowboys fan, took the opportunity to take a shot a Giants coach Ben McAdoo.

“So do you think Ben McAdoo will actually get a real haircut if they make the playoffs?” Christie cracked, adding that McAdoo has a “cheesy mustache.”

McAdoo, whose Giants just beat Christie’s Cowboys for the second time this season, took notice.