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17 Jokes Guaranteed To Make Arsenal Fans Laugh

Aerial view of North London #NorthLondonIsRed

— Arsenal Memes (@ArsenalMemes)

14. We didn’t see this one coming though….

BuzzFeed / Chelsea FC

15. It must be pretty bad when even Kammy is taking the piss…

Ha Ha that made me giggle & to be fair Jose would laugh at that haha #parkthebus @FootballFunnys: Jose ”

— Chris Kamara (@chris_kammy)

16. One person just sent in a screengrab of something that gets them through a difficult day.

One person just sent in a screengrab of something that gets them through a difficult day.
BuzzFeed / Twitter

17. And one person might have finally proved that this whole bus thing is a conspiracy from within Stamford Bridge:

And one person might have finally proved that this whole bus thing is a conspiracy from within Stamford Bridge:
BuzzFeed / Getty
