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How to play MailOnline's European Super League Fantasy Football game... Score points in the Premier League, Bundesliga, Ligue 1 and more

Scoring starts this Friday (August 18) in the MailOnline's European Super League Fantasy Football game, so what are you waiting for?

Join now and spend your £75million budget on players from the Premier League, Bundesliga, Ligue 1, Serie A and even the Eredivisie.

Use your knowledge of football on the continent, or just take a punt on a bunch of strikers to get loads of goals in Holland... Vincent Janssen bagged 27 in the Dutch league a couple of years ago after all!

You can pick Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo in European Super League Fantasy Football
You can pick Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo in European Super League Fantasy Football
Or Cristiano Ronaldo
But Eredivisie goals are worth the same as La Liga strikes. So it might be worth trying to find the next Vincent Janssen. The Tottenham flop scored 27 in the Dutch league in 2015-16 season
But Eredivisie goals are worth the same as La Liga strikes.