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Granit Xhaka receives dressing down from Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger after Heathrow Airport race row

Arsene Wenger demanded an explanation from Granit Xhaka on Wednesday after the Arsenal midfielder was accused of racial abuse at Heathrow Airport.

Manager Wenger spoke to Xhaka at the club's London Colney training ground.

It had emerged earlier that Xhaka was questioned by police for allegedly calling a British Airways employee a 'f****** white b****' during a row on Monday night.

Granit Xhaka received dressing down from Arsene Wenger over an alleged incident this week
Granit Xhaka received dressing down from Arsene Wenger over an alleged incident this week
Xhaka reportedly called British Airways employee 'f****** white b****' during row at Heathrow
Xhaka reportedly called British Airways employee 'f****** white b****' during row at Heathrow

The Arsenal manager wants to establish exactly what happened at Terminal 5 before making a decision on any punishment, though it is understood that the Switzerland star has been reminded of his responsibilities as an Arsenal employee.