Braving acute financial and familial distress, the 20-year old from Siwan is fighting tooth and nail to don the national colours...
"u0936u0949u091f u092eu093eu0930 u0917u094bu0932 u092eu0947u0902! u0928u093fu0936u093eu0928u0947 u092au0947 u0930u0916! (Shoot on Goal. Keep it on target!)," used to scream a 11-year-old girl from the sidelines. When a striker failed to keep his attempt on target she would even kick the ground in disgust and then repeat those two lines in a heavily-accented Hindi.
Sanjay Pathak, the coach of a small football nursery in Lakshmipur, Siwan, noticed the antics of the girl for quite a few days until one day he finally summoned her and asked, "u0916u0947u0932u0928u093e u0939u0948 u0915u094du092fu093e?