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International breaks, tournaments, and the rest of the dates to know for the Timbers (and MLS) in 2021

Champions League, Gold Cup, and a series of international breaks are already complicating the Portland Timbers' 2021 calendar, and the dates for more tournaments are still to come. U.S. Open Cup and a debuting Leagues Cup are the biggest of the competitions with dates yet to be finalized, but there's an MLS All-Star Game on the horizon, too. Under normal circumstances, remembering every break and tournament is a challenge, but with a major competition on the horizon this summer, the coming year is more complicated than most.

Here's our attempt to help. From February's start of preseason to December's MLS Cup, here are all dates to know across the Timbers' 2021 calendar:

(This page was last updated on March 10, 2021.