Give it up for the new King of the Hill, @olivierbusquet! Big thanks 2 @phil_hellmuth, @tonkaaaap and @shaundeeb 4…
— PNIA (@PokerNightTV)Losers bracket in Pittsburgh a little Ofc before joining @DougPolkPoker and @PeteManzinelli in the booth for #koth2
— NiceShaunDeeb (@shaundeeb)
RETWEET FOR AWARENESS: I need a basketball in Pittsburgh RIGHT NOW for a prop bet with @phil_hellmuth
— gN Doug Polk (@DougPolkPoker)
One of my favorite moments on Snapchat I've ever had #NoRims
— gN Doug Polk (@DougPolkPoker)
@DougPolkPoker the best part of the entire video is that Phil has a basketball inside his shirt and nobody mentions it for like 5 minutes
— Wilson Carlisle (@wilsontweeting)
Credit to @tonkaaaap, he never gave up.