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New Jersey Online Poker Briefing: Jeffrey Miller and Craig Rubinstein Win Big!

Jeffrey "bortzork" Miller scored the biggest single win on New Jersey regulated online poker rooms when he finished on top of the 176-player field, NJ/888poker NJ $50,000 Ultimate Warrior for $13,500.

Other notable players to score big on the final table in this tournament included Jonathan "jetsfan14" Borenstein (3rd - $4,500), Conor "NYR9414" Berkowitz (8th - $1,200) and Jeremy "Jermz" Danger (9th - $900). Danger had a much bigger cash earlier in the day when he claimed victory in the PokerStars NJ Sunday Warm-Up $10,000 Gtd for $2,252 under the screen name "FunkyJesus.