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Does Chance Kornuth's Story Prove Dan Bilzerian Made Millions Playing Poker?

Dan Bilzerian has long made an often disputed claim that he's won tens of millions playing poker. In a series of tweets, Chance Kornuth may have proven those claims to be at the very least partially true.

There's no secret that Bilzerian is a polarizing figure, and many, not just poker players, have questioned how he became so wealthy. Many have suggested he inherited the money from his father, Paul Bilzerian.

The younger Bilzerian, whom many consider to be a misogynist especially after telling Vanessa Kade on Twitter a couple years ago to "shut up hoe," — not that he hadn't already displayed numerous misogynistic tendencies — has been adamant about making millions against wealthy fish at the poker table, not from his dad, a convicted white-collar criminal.