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Chaffetz Drops Speaker of House Bid & Arizona AG Mark Brnovich Speaks Out Against RAWA

Last week, Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz, sponsor of anti-online poker bill H.R. 707, abandon his bid for Speaker of the House, a development that was applauded by advocates for the game, including the Poker Players Alliance (PPA).

"[Chaffetz]" would have been quite a formidable opponent had he attained the Speaker’s gavel," explained the PPA's Rich Muny. "Thank you to those who took the time to let their congressmen know that Chaffetz’s anti-poker position is wrong for America."

In other Chaffetz news, the National Fraternal Order of Police, an organization with more than 330,000 members, sent him and Representative Elijah Cummings expressing their opposition to RAWA.