15 MEGA Michigan Football Rumors on Dax Hill, Zach Harrison, Shea Patterson, And Michigan vs. Florida

Episode 174


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Our biggest Michigan Football Rumors show of 2018 - HUGE updates on Jim Harbaugh’s recruitment of Daxton Hill, Zach Harrison, Trevor Keegan, and Cornelius-Johnson. Plus, are Don Brown and Pep Hamilton leaving Michigan? Also, we discuss the latest Shea Patterson NFL Draft rumors, Ed Warinner’s job offers, and a ton of potential Ohio State underclassmen going pro. Did you see the holiday offer to get hooked up with a Michigan football jersey or AWESOME maize and blue long sleeve performance shirt? Get started with BetDSI and make your first deposit, you’ll not only get 120% deposit bonus cash in your account, but the Michigan Football Report will send you the jersey or shirt of your choice!


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