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‘You See A Lot Of T.J. [Watt] In Him’: Nick Herbig Ready For Big Impact, Alex Highsmith Says

Related Topics: Nick Herbig, T. J. Watt

Nick Herbig is probably one of the most popular players on the Pittsburgh Steelers right now, and interestingly so. Normally when a backup is popular, it’s because he is behind struggling starters. But Herbig is playing backup to T.J. Watt and Alex Highsmith, arguably the best edge-rusher tandem in the entire NFL.

And yet Nick Herbig keeps forcing his way into the conversation, his performance demanding more playing time. The Steelers toyed around with some packages with three outside linebackers on the field together, which Herbig would love to see. I don’t know if we will, but it’s clear the Steelers want to find ways to better utilize his talents.