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Vote now for the 2024 Isaac Redman Award winner

The time has come for the most anticipated part of the Steelers season. Week 1? Close, but think again. It’s time to vote for this year’s Isaac Redman Award winner!

As with tradition, voting will occur over Labor Day weekend with the winner being announced soon after.

If you’re unfamiliar with the award or need a refresher, here are the stipulations from the inaugural article in 2014:

-Player must not be a draft pick higher than the sixth round

-Player can only have participated in two other training camps prior to this one

-Player demonstrated frequent references in comments regarding the likelihood of significant playing time in the coming year

-Weight of general fan sentiment is the player is a “diamond in the rough”

-Player does not have to make the team in the year of his nomination to qualify (this isn’t meant to be included in 53-man roster discussion)

As succinctly put by former editor-in-chief Neal Coolong, “The Isaac Redman Award is unofficially given each year to the unheralded Steelers player who came from the furthest reaches of obscurity to reach general heightened fame and appeal among Steelers fans.