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Trash Talking Jaguars Defense Extra Motivation For Ben Roethlisberger’s Comeback

If you trash talk, you better be able to back those words up. For three quarters, the Jacksonville Jaguars did.

Then came the fourth quarter. And the Jags went away with a whimper. The Pittsburgh Steelers? Boarding the plane with a victory.

That’s why, this year at least, Pittsburgh is Pittsburgh. Poised to win their division, hopefully making one heck of a playoff push. And Jacksonville is Jacksonville. 3-7, their season functionally over.

Ben Roethilsberger cited that trash talk as a little extra motivation to complete the comeback.

“They had a linebacker, #50, we’ll just use numbers so we don’t say names, who wanted to let me know every time I threw an interception,” he said in his post-game press conference.