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New Contract Details For Steelers CB Cameron Sutton

The Pittsburgh Steelers signed veteran CB Cameron Sutton to a one-year contract a few days ago and on Friday we learned the details of that deal.

According to Aaron Wilson of KPRC2-TV in Houston on Friday, Sutton’s deal is for the league minimum for his credited seasons in the NFL. His base salary is $1.21 million and thee was no signing bonus given as well.

#Steelers corner Cameron Sutton: one year, $1.21 million, veteran salary benefit, salary-cap figure $985,000

— Aaron Wilson (@AaronWilson_NFL) June 7, 2024

This contract will qualify as a veteran benefit contract meaning Sutton will have a salary cap charge of $985,000, which is the minimum base salary for a player with just two credited seasons in the NFL.